Wednesday, November 7, 2012

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ueyong, eyes only Piaoshan the long knives, does not consider the infuriating incompetence resulting in bodily injury, even run out of the body of the last vestiges of force also defeated opponents he suddenly flying into the sky, jumped to five Liu Zhang compete with a long knife to the head void a thorn seems to condense the energy of the dazzling sun, Zhang Feng, head toward the following hew knife, long knife Bing suddenly dragged violence long double dazzling light Kanxiang the hands of Zhang Feng Feiyun sword, blue figure reflected the red sunrise, hope such as the gods drop.
Not Yingjie, Zhang Feng obviously felt this knife contains a high-handed force, body line
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nfl jump to high altitude, has been unable to avoid the sharp Feiyun sword, split between, he was too late to think, are aware of the tiger, undeterred, and did not choose to back, but brave to bite the waving hands of the long knives heavy impact on Feiyun The infuriating transparent ripples of the sword in front of the air immediately sent earth-shattering rumble, The

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